Sayyid Qutb has been associated with the religious ideology behind the radical sunni muslim groups such as
al-Qaeda. It is known that Osama bin Laden was a inspired by many of the concepts – especially the idea of
“Offensive Jihad” – brought forward in Sayyid Qutb’s most famous book
Milestones. Here Qutb takes a twist on an originally spiritual concept,
Jihad, describing mans “
religious struggle” or “
striving in the way of God“,
and explains why this must be understood as the need of religious war
against unbelievers. The story of Sayyid Qutb is really interesting,
you might want to learn more about his years i the United States and how
it formed his views (a drunk american woman tried to seduce him on the
ship there :-). There is an excellent wikipedia entry here on his life: Here I have
chosen to present Sayyid Qutb’s insanely huge work:
In The Shade Of The Qur’an. The book is a well-written modern commentary to
the entire content of the Qur´an and it is considered one of the
most comprehensive and far-reaching. Each book is about 400 pages, I
could not find the volumes 15-17, but I am sure you have hours of
reading pleasure with these.
Face to Face Debate Engineer Muhammad Ali Mirza vs Muhammad Ahsan khan